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Table of Contents
- Preface
- Fundamentals
- Techniques
- Principles
- Views
- Principle: Empiricism
- View: Judgment
- Technique: Say Why ✥
- View: Humans, Not Humanoids
- View: Software Development Systems
- View: Information Flows
- View: Centers
- View: Forces, Not Requirements
- View: Conflict
- Principle: Adaptation
- Principle: Fast Feedback
- Principle: Small Steps
- Principle: Feeling
- Principle: Autonomy
- Technique: Build Trust ✥
- Software Development
- Programming
- Programming vs. Software Development vs. Software Engineering
- NaiveProgramming.html
- View: Computation
- View: Structure and Behavior
- View: The Software System
- IncrementalChange.html
- View: Code is for Humans
- Exploration.html
- Conflict.html
- View: Design
- View: Controllability, Not Correctness
- DifferentiationNotAccretion.html
- ProcessNotAProject.html
- Semilattice.html
- LivingSystemNotAnArtifact.html
- Wholeness
- LifeAndDeathOfSystems.html
- InformationFlow.html
- ConstantImprovement.html
- ImprovementIsChange.html
- SmallSteps.html
- StartWithTheEasyChange.html
- ChangeSomething.html
- Reversibility.html
- SafeChange.html
- PositiveFeedbackLoops.html
- View: The Alignment Trap
- TwoKindsOfWork.html
- BalancedWork.html
- MutualBenefit.html
- BugsVsFeatures.html
- Sleep.html
- ToTheExtentThat.html
- Technique: Personal Projects
- Technique: The Fundamental Development Process
- Untitled.html
- Starting a Project
- ProjectTemplate.html
- Technique: Start with a Walking Skeleton ✥
- ConstantTooling.html
- VersionControl.html
- DohertyThreshold.html
- AutomaticDevSetup.html
- ReproducibleBuild.html
- DevEnvironment.html
- 400MillisecondFeedback.html
- PassiveFeedback.html
- CallYourShot.html
- ReadmeDrivenDesign.html
- Prototype.html
- Spike.html
- SeparateFastAndSlowTests.html
- SystemTest.html
- SmokeTest.html
- ContinuousIntegration.html
- SemiAutomatedRelease.html
- HumanInTheLoop.html
- MakingCodeVsShippingCode.html
- InceptionMeeting.html
- EntrypointDocument.html
- What's Your Architecture?
- Changing Code Within One Function
- Behavior.html
- Structure.html
- SeparateBehaviorAndStructureChanges.html
- Technique: Design For Today, Not Tomorrow
- Technique: Paragraphs of Code
- View: Simple Code
- Refactoring.html
- TestCoverage.html
- MutationTesting.html
- CharacterizationTest.html
- EmpiricallyMotivatedChange.html
- Centers.html
- LatentCenters.html
- WeakAndStrongCenters.html
- StrengthenLatentCenters.html
- Wholeness.html
- TheMirrorOfTheSelfTest.html
- ChunkingAndLevelsOfScale.html
- OrganizeCodeForChunking.html
- OneThingAtATime.html
- DuplicatedCode.html
- Symmetry.html
- DeadCode.html
- Testing.html
- SimplicityAndOccamsRazor.html
- ReproduceBugs.html
- AutomatedTests.html
- Technique: Pair Delimiters ✥
- Technique: Symmetrize Similar Code
- View: Steps
- Changing Code Across Functions
- ChangeTogetherLiveTogether.html
- CallGraph.html
- Processes.html
- SystemCalls.html
- Effects.html
- Dependency.html
- DependencyGraph.html
- CouplingAndCohesion.html
- State.html
- Objects.html
- ObjectsForCaching.html
- ObjectsForLaziness.html
- ObjectsAsStateMachines.html
- TypesAsSets.html
- DesignIsAlwaysIncomplete.html
- TodoComment.html
- TesseractOrganization.html
- ImmutableData.html
- UpdatingImmutableData.html
- TestsNextToProductionCode.html
- ShallowHierarchy.html
- Concerns.html
- SeparationOfConcerns.html
- AlignAbstractionsWithSeams.html
- BrittleTests.html
- WorkingOnATeam
- Teams.html
- Projects.html
- ContinuousIntegration.html
- ContinuousDeployment.html
- ContinuousDelivery.html
- ContinuousRelease.html
- Technique: Demo UI
- Ownership.html
- Technique: Canonical Library
- Technique: Exploratory Testing
- Further Reading