
Verse is a browser-based coding tool that makes it simple to create programs and games and share them with others.

Verse is designed with beginners in mind. It’s a great way to start learning to code. But even professional programmers will find it useful for sketching ideas, performing code katas, or bringing their side projects to life.

Try it out! Here’s a simple program you can copy-paste to get started.

  *run() {
    let name = yield waitForInput("Hello! What's your name?")
    yield log('Nice to meet you, ' + name + '!')
    yield wait(1)
    yield retry(run())

A screenshot of Verse running a simple program


In addition to accessing Verse online, you can download past versions from the releases page. Just click the link for the verse.html file of the version you want.

To use the file, open it in a web browser. On most systems, you can double-click the file to open it.

Once you’ve downloaded a copy of Verse, you can use it anywhere—even without an Internet connection!


You can find the Verse Documentation, including “getting started” tutorials and a reference manual, here.

Guiding Principles

We value simplicity, speed, beauty, and openness. The principles Verse uses to support these values are described below.

And, perhaps most importantly…