Zeroth-World Problems

It turns out I don’t like blogging

Almost a year into this blog, and I’ve written all of two posts. I think I’ve finally figured out why.

I feel like it’s an unwritten rule of blogging integrity that one shouldn’t go back and edit old posts. After all, someone might link to one of my posts, and if I go back and change the content, I feel like I’ve just pulled a bait-and-switch on them.

This, combined with my tendency for perfectionism, means that I feel like I have to make each post absolutely perfect before I hit “publish”, which means I end up never publishing anything at all.

The obvious fix is to declare that this site is more like an old-fashioned homepage than a blog. It’s not a stream of immutable data, it’s a hotbed of promiscuous mutation. Anything can change at any time. Who knows, maybe I’ll edit this post tomorrow!

If you really want to link to an immutable version of one of these posts, the source is all on Github, where the markdown rendering is only slightly less pretty than it is here. Just navigate to the file in _posts/ for the post you want, replace master in the URL with the commit SHA, and link to that.

With this new policy in place, I hope to have more posts up shortly.

Next: Musings on Statefulness

Previous: Don't listen to your tests